Corporate Training

Margot Enterprises offers workshops that are custom written based on the needs of the individual company.  Our workshops are interactive and include workbooks that the employees can use as a guide to reinforce the information that was covered during the workshop. Pre-Written workshops are also available and can be customized based on the needs of the company.

The workshops are lead by experienced teachers and trainers.  They use a brain-compatible learning approach to help to improve retention and application of the content covered during the workshop.

Follow up and reflection sessions are also available and recommended to answer additional questions and to improve the application of the knowledge.

Pre-Written Workshops:

Leadership Styles and Strategies

There are many different leadership styles and strategies. While some people may have a preferred style, different styles can be useful in different situations. This will include an overview and strategies to help managers become stronger leaders.  

The Leader in You

Do you want to be a stronger leader in your business, but don’t know where to begin? Leading isn’t always about giving direct instruction. There are many different leadership styles and strategies. While some people may have a preferred style, different styles can be useful in different situations. This will include an overview and strategies to help administrators and managers become stronger leaders.

  • Leadership Styles
  • Important Leadership Qualities
  • Leadership Strategies
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to share ideas and suggestions

Employee Development

One of the most important parts of providing professional development is the ability to write and deliver effective training programs. This workshop will cover a variety of activities and strategies to help managers to create better in-house workshops and programs.

Training for Better Development

One of the most important parts of providing professional development is the ability to write and deliver effective training programs. This workshop will cover a variety of activities and strategies to help administrators and managers to create better in-house workshops and programs. This workshop is interactive and you will be able to ask questions. Topics include:

  • Training Program Structures
  • Length and Frequency
  • Reflection
  • Monitoring
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to discuss and share ideas

Motivational Strategies

Motivation is important for employees. Sometimes it can be challenging to keep everyone motivated. This workshop will cover a variety of motivational strategies to try to reach each individual employee.

Does Grit Make A Difference for Employees?

Some employees can have every opportunity to succeed and still struggle. Others can succeed when they have everything working against them. Learn about Grit and how it impacts employees in your office. Can Grit impact a employees? How much of an impact can it have? How can you help employees to grow their grit? This workshop will be interactive and you can ask questions.

  • What is grit?
  • How does grit impact employees?
  • How to improve grit?
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to share ideas and strategies

Motivating Your Staff

Everyone responds to motivation differently and are motivated by different techniques. Creating a good motivation plan that will reach multiple employees is important to keep everyone motivated and engaged at work. While many employers use monetary rewards to motivate employees, that does not work for everyone. This workshop will be live and interactive. Topics include:

  • Theories of Motivation
  • Job Characteristics Model
  • Applying Motivational Theories
  • Employee Involvement and Engagement
  • Employee Reward Programs
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to discuss and share ideas

Communication Skills

Sometime a manager says one thing, but an employee hears something else. Poor communication can create tension within the workplace and make it harder to hire and retain good employees The participants will work together to see if their communication skills and directions are as clear and they think. Additionally, they will learn strategies to improve their communication skills.

Effective Communication

Sometime a supervisor says one thing, but an employee hears something else. Poor communication can create tension within the office and make it harder to get and retain good employees. The participants will work together to see if their communication skills and directions are as clear as they think. Additionally, they will learn strategies to improve their communication skills. Topics include:

  • Communication Styles
  • Types of Communication
  • The Importance of Follow Up Communication
  • Improving Communication Skills
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to discuss and share ideas

Remote Settings

With the increase in remote work and hybrid work, there are a lot of changes and adjustments that must happen.  One main requirement is training the staff to be able to use the remote programs.

Improve Your Online Presentation Skills

Are you giving more presentations online? Do you want to improve your online presenting skills? Learn how to improve your online presentation and your online presenting skills. This workshop will be interactive and will demonstrate a variety of strategies that you can incorporate into your own presentations. Topics include:

  • Setting up your area.
  • Developing your presentation.
  • Participant engagement.
  • Additional tips and tricks.
  • Online meeting etiquette
  • Q&A

How to Run a Hybrid Meeting or Event

As people’s comfort levels change, more meetings are going to be run with a hybrid setup so that some people can attend in person while others attend online. However, trying to run both meetings at the same time can be challenging. Learn the tips and tricks on how to run a successful hybrid meeting or event. Topics include:

  • Selecting the right format.
  • Setting up speakers and microphones to avoid feedback.
  • Engaging both audiences.
  • Host, co-hosts, and other moderators to help.
  • Equipment requirements including laptops, monitors, projectors and more.
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to share ideas and ask questions.

Leading in a Remote Setting

Leading in a remote setting is more challenging than leading in person. It is important to keep the team motivated and engaged while still providing more support than before. Topics include:

  • Leadership Styles and Strategies
  • Building a virtual team
  • Virtual team building activities
  • Virtual communication strategies
  • Motivating a virtual team
  • Q&A
  • Breakout sessions to discuss and share ideas

How To Use Zoom Virtual Workshop: The Basics

Learn how to use Zoom to host your meetings during this time of social distancing.  Learn the basics from how to setup a Zoom meeting and sending out invites to how to running the meeting.  Learn how to change the host, share your screen, add a virtual background, and more.  The workshop is live and  interactive and you will be able to ask your questions.  Topics include:

  • Setting up your security settings.
  • Scheduling the meetings.
  • Running the meeting.
  • Video settings including virtual backgrounds and video filters.
  • Audio settings including microphone, speakers, and call in.
  • Basic Screen sharing options.
  • Open Q&A
  • Breakout rooms to  discuss and share ideas

How To Use Zoom Virtual Workshop: Advanced

Learn how to use Zoom to host your meetings during this time of social distancing. Learn some of the more advanced features in Zoom. Learn how to run meetings including nonverbal communication, sharing your screen, controlling chat, create breakout rooms, and more. The workshop is live and interactive and you will be able to ask your questions. Topics include:

  • Running the meetings using nonverbal communication, screen sharing, chat, polls, and breakout rooms.
  • Adjusting screen sharing options
  • Adjusting chat settings
  • Setting up polls
  • Managing Breakout rooms
  • Live streaming
  • Recording features
  • Q&A
  • Breakout rooms to discuss and share ideas

Schedule a workshop for your business today.

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